Help Get Justice for My Girls

United Kingdom
Family Law - Divorce, Children & Finance

Help Get Justice for My Girls

Case Owner: Michelle Johnston
£ 2,000.00Funding Goal
£0.00 Received
0 Donors
-1,166Days Remaining

Case Story

My story started three years ago when my granddaughter accused her sibling of sexual abuse. As a result, I have had to look after him since that day as he is a vulnerable child with learning disabilities. My granddaughter also has learning disabilities. They have been in foster care for the past three years and we are still awaiting the court. I have been denied contact with my granddaughters. I had never spent a day without seeing them since the day they were born. Their parents are allowed to have contact but I am denied any contact with my beloved grandchildren for whom I had given up work as a care worker, a job I have had for 35 years on night shifts. My entire life has stopped and everything I achieved - my family, my babies, all gone! All taken away from me by Social Services. I have asked social worker to let me see my grandchildren, but they turn around and tell me "not in children's interest" and they have completely erased me from my precious grandchildren's lives. They deny me contact with my grandchildren and whenever my daughter is permitted to see my grandchildren, she recounts to me after contact that my grandchildren continuousely ask to see me. Yet, Social Services, have removed my grandchildren's rights to have a relationship with me. Why are these people doing this to my porr grandchildren? Why are they doing this to me and my family? I have never committed any crime in my entire life. All I have ever asked them for is to be allowed to see my grandson and to allow him to live with me because otherwise he would have no one. The social worker callously told me to put him on the streets! Are these social workers completely crazy? Are they human? What does this social worker think would happen to my poor grandson if he is put out on the street??? I ask and plead to be allowed to at least speak with my grandchildren on the telephone and they deny us that as well. They deny my granddaughters contact with their family. What crime have they committed? What crime have I committed? Criminals get better treatment. As I no longer work, I cannot afford any legal services and because I am only a grandmother I have no legal right. I desperately need help for my granddaughters so we can see them again. Their lives have been turned upside down and for three solid years, I have never seen them. This has killed me from inside out! I am desperate to see my beloved granchildren, please help me to fund legal cost to make an application to family to gain contact with my beloved grandchildren please. Help me to reverse this obscene and absolute abuse of my grandchildren and my family's human rights by social services please.

How You Can Help

Raising funds to get a solicitor to help me in family court to take my fight and raise awareness of my granddaughter's plight any funds left over will be donated back to underfunded cases of my choice on this platform.

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