Useful Numbers and Links

  • Locating and Instructing a Solicitor

    If you require a solicitor for your legal matter, the Law Society can assist you in locating a solicitor:

  • Child Abduction

    If you are a left behind parent whose child has been removed from the jurisdiction without your consent or knowledge, you can contact Reunite for assistance in locating and returning your child to the United Kingdom:

  • Free Advice

    If you require advice in any area, you can contact Citizens Advice Bureau for assistance:

  • Relationship Counselling

    If you are in a relationship and require relationship advice, the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy or the British Psychological Society can assist you in locating a registered counsellor, psychotherapist, or psychologist.

  • Housing & Homelessness

    If you have issues relating to housing and homelessness, you can contact the housing charity Shelter for advice:

  • Mental Wellbeing

    If you require a mental health advocate or know a litigant who requires assistance can contact Mind Charity:

  • Disability Support

    For disability matters and support, you can contact Scope